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For Valued Customer

At AEON Credit Service, your satisfaction as a customer is of utmost importance to us as we are always looking to improve our service by listening to you. Please contact us here for general enquiries, feedback and suggestions.

Customer Services

Contact our 24 hours Customer Care Centre at +6 03-2719-9999 (Local & Overseas) for assistance at any time.

Operation Services

Operation Hours

  • 8.00 am – 6.00 pm. All services are available.
  • 6.00 pm – 8.00 am. For reporting lost or stolen cards, fraudulent transactions, disputes, and declined card transactions.


Email us your inquiries via customer.service@aeoncredit.com.my

Find a Branch

Speak to us in person or visit our branch for a chat. Find a branch.

Credit Management Group

For inquiries related to your overdue account as follows:

  • Payment negotiations
  • Vehicle repossession
  • External collection agency
  • AKPK accounts
  • Other collection related inquiries

Please contact us at +6 03-5629-8888 (Local & Overseas) for assistance.

Operation Hours

  • Monday – Friday (Exclude Public Holiday)
  • 8.30am – 6.00pm

Feedback Form

Share your feedback via the online feedback form or email us and our personnel will try to get back to you as soon as possible.
Email Address: cs@aeoncredit.com.my
(Attention to Ms Asmah or Mr Asri – Customer Service Department)

Card Acceptance via POS Terminal

At AEON Credit Service, we value our relationship with our Merchants/ Business Partners. As such, we are always ready to assist. Please contact us for general enquiries or feedback related to POS terminal.

Merchant Helpdesk

Merchant Helpdesk Email: merchant.helpdesk@aeoncredit.com.my (Business hours: 9am to 5pm) Authorisation: +603-2241 7888 (24 hours - For Approval Code Only)

Terminal Helpdesk

Call our appointed vendor for enquiries relating to terminal matters at:

  1. CardBiz Payment Services Sdn Bhd: +603-7890 3003 (24 hours)
  2. Revenue Harvest Sdn Bhd: +603-9212 0500 (24 hours)
  3. Paysys (M) Sdn Bhd: +603-9200 8001 (24 hour)
  4. Fass Payment Solutions Sdn Bhd: 01546000188 (24 hours)
  5. mPASS Mobility Sdn Bhd: +603-7890 3003 (24 hours)
  6. Pine Payment Solutions Sdn Bhd: +6012-506 7883 (24 hours)

Complaint Management Process

We are committed to resolving your feedback or complaint as efficiently and equitably as possible. To help us expedite the resolution, please provide us with details of your complaint or feedback via our online feedback form or email us at cs@aeoncredit.com.my (Attention to Ms. Asmah or Mr. Asri – Customer Service & Compliance Department).

Your feedback will be acknowledged and resolved within fourteen (14 days) or earlier. For complaints that require further investigation or additional information, you will be notified on the extended timeframe and kept updated on the progress until the issue is resolved.

Terms & Conditions