January 24, 2025
Revision of AEON Credit Card Terms & Conditions
Dear Valued AEON Credit Cardholders,
Kindly be informed that the following Terms and Conditions for AEON Credit Cards will be revised effective 18th February 2025:
CLAUSE 52: AEON Points
52.4 The applicable expiry dates for AEON Points earned will be shown in the Cardholder’s AEON Points Statement and any AEON Points earned but not redeemed will be forfeited on the expiry dates.
52.5 AEON Points earned across the AEON group of companies (including AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad (ACSM), AEON Bank (M) Berhad and AEON Co. (M) Berhad) are accumulated at customer level for each unique customers of the AEON group of companies. These cumulative points can be redeemed via any point redemption channels offered by the AEON group of companies, including AEON Wallet app, AEON Bank app, AEON Credit website via www.myaeoncredit.com.my and outlet(s) at any business associate of ACSM, subject to terms and conditions applicable for such customer loyalty programme, as notified in writing by ACSM to the Cardholder.
Thank You.
AEON Credit Service (M) Berhad