LoginDownload AEON Wallet Malaysia

October 21, 2023

Protect Your Credentials


  • Password: Must be minimum 6 alphanumeric characters, without repeating any digit or character more than once.
  • Memorise your AEON Credit ATM/Telephone PIN (Personal Identification Number), online username and password; do not record it anywhere, including your handphone or any handheld device or on anything kept in close proximity with the card.
  • Username and Password: Use different username and password for your AEON Credit account and other non-AEON credit websites.
  • Privacy: Make sure you are not watched and can privately key in your username, password, ATM PIN, Telephone PIN or any other sensitive/confidential information.

For Username/Password/PIN:

  • Not based on your username, personal telephone number, birthday, identity card, passport, driving licence or contact numbers or other personal information.
  • Do not reveal your username and password to any person/third-party via unsolicited emails or any website other than our official website at www.aeoncredit.com.my
  • Do not reveal your ATM/Telephone PIN, username, password or other authentication credentials e.g. One-Time PIN (OTP) to any person/third-party even if they claim to be employees of AEON Credit or a regulatory body.

Do not leave a credit card or an item containing the card unattended in places visible and accessible to others.

Terms & Conditions