October 25, 2023
How to Keep Your Cards Safe
- Sign your card immediately upon receipt using a non-erasable ball-point pen
- On receipt of your new/replacement card, please destroy your old card by personally cutting it in half directly through the embossed account, the magnetic strip, the hologram and the electronic chip.
- Treat your card like cash – it is worth a great deal in the hands of a thief.
- When using your card at merchants, treats, value and protect your card as if they are cash, keep your card secured and ensure that it is in your possession at all times and do not leave your card unattended.
- Avoid carrying all your cards at one time – only those you need for the day
- When using your card, make sure all the details are recorded accurately before signing the charge slip.
- Never sign an incomplete charge slip. Make sure it is totaled and note he total elsewhere on the slip to avoid possible alteration.
- Void incorrect charge slips before you sign a new one.
- Make sure the card returned to you is yours and not someone else’s.
- Check and ensure that your card is return to you after every transaction at merchant.
- Always ensure your cards are kept in the same place in your wallet / purse so you notice immediately if they are missing.
- Ensure that you are authorizing all use of credit card (face to face /on phone/internet).
- Keep all your charge slips and check your monthly credit card statement against them.
- If you detect an incorrect charge, call our Customer Card Center immediately and confirm it in writing.
- Keep a record of the telephone numbers and addresses of all your card issuers in a safe and accessible place ready for emergency use.
- Be cautious whenever anyone request for your credit card number. Do not reveal this information to anyone calling to qualify you for a free vacation or for credit card insurance, or to tell you that you have won a prize.
- To protect the confidentiality of your PIN and your card from unauthorized use:
- You must not write the PIN on the card or allow any written record of the PIN to be kept in a manner which would enable another person to have access to both your card and PIN at the same time
- You must not disclose the PIN to any person, including any employee of the Bank;
- You must not allow any person access to your PIN and /or your credit card.
- If you are travelling overseas, call us in advance and tell us where you going and for how long.
- Keep our phone numbers easily available with you to immediately report any lost or stolen card, failing which you shall be liable in full for any unauthorized transactions affected through the use of your credit card.
- Always report to us immediately if your card is stolen and always check your credit cards periodically to ensure that the cards are not missing from your wallet.
If your card/PIN has been lost or stolen, or if your PIN is disclosed to a third party, please report the incident immediately by calling our 24-hour lost card hotline at (603) 2719 9999 or inform the AEON Credit Branch nearest to you.