A secure, easy-to-use app that provides the ultimate convenience for all your financial needs.

Free Up Cash Flow
Having extra cash on hand allows you to quickly invest in the equipment to help your company get ahead in an increasingly competitive climate.

What Your Business Needs
Every business has unique needs. Whether you require industrial equipment, commercial vehicles, computer hardware or software, or outlet renovation/refurbishment, we can provide financing solutions tailored to your requirements.

Attractive Financing Terms
With as much as 90% financing available and with tenures up to 60 months, theres no reason to wait. The future of your business needs investing in today.

Overview of SME Financing
- Sole proprietorships
- Partnerships
- Limited liability partnerships
- Private limited companies
- Public limited companies
Types of Equipments Financed
- Industrial equipment and machineries for single – unit/series/mass production
- Commercial vehicles (e.g. Prime mover, lorry, buses, van, taxis, etc.)
- Construction Equipment (e.g. Excavators, backhoe loaders, bulldozers, etc.)
- Material handling equipment (e.g. Forklift, skylift, cranes, etc.)
- General equipment with good resale value and readily available for disposal in secondary market
- Computer systems – Hardware and software
- Furniture fittings and fixtures
Documents Required
- Application forms
- Memorandum & articles of association
- Certified true copy of Forms 9, 24, 44, 49, and latest annual return
- Business registration form (SSM) for partnership and sole proprietorship
- Invoice, quotation, sales order and catalogue on proposed equipment
- Latest 6 months bank statements
- Latest 3 years financial statements
- Latest 3 years income tax assessments for sole proprietorship and partnership, if any
- Other supporting documents to support the application
Payment Channels
- Post dated cheque
- Bank standing instruction
Financing Tenure and Margin of Finance
- Tenure of Financing: Up to 60 months
- Margin of Finance: Up to 90%